MeCard membership Ticino Cuore



MeCard Membership Card in partnership with Ticino Cuore

By subscribing to the card and agreeing to become a supporter, MeCard will donate CHF 20 to Ticino Cuore*

Benefits and discounts for ALL, without distinction

Activate now

No automatic renewal

Card valid for one year after subscription**

*No discount coupon usable on this special membership.

**Memberships subscribed from the 1st to the 14th of the month will have their expiration date unified with the end of the month preceding the order, those subscribed from the 15th until the end of the month will have their expiration date unified with the end of the current month at the time of the order.

MeCard Membership Card in partnership with Ticino Cuore

By subscribing to the card and agreeing to become a supporter, MeCard will donate CHF 20 to Ticino Cuore*

Benefits and discounts for ALL, without distinction

Activate now

No automatic renewal

Card valid for one year after subscription**

*No discount coupon usable on this special membership.

**Memberships subscribed from the 1st to the 14th of the month will have their expiration date unified with the end of the month preceding the order, those subscribed from the 15th until the end of the month will have their expiration date unified with the end of the current month at the time of the order.